Monday, September 17, 2012

The Unanswered Question

Why? Why is one of the most common questions in the English language. Yet, it is often the most unanswered questions. People often ask "Why?" to religious questions, but never get one set answer or even similar answers. When children ask "Why?" to their parents, they rarely ever get a straight answer.

Eventually  in life you learn that asking "Why?" isn't important so much as "How?".Sometimes you need to be asked "Why?" because then you can get to that next level in the thought process you go through in order to answer the question. That's the reason for Academy 21, getting us to think on that next level, to really dig deep and figure out "Why?".

I think that no matter what, there really is no right answer to "Why?", which is why it is, and always will be, the unanswered question.

1 comment:

  1. Why did you choose to write about that? Just kidding | Very good with going in depth with the "Why?" and "How?" I liked it
